Integrity in the Workplace | Mayor Ken Moore

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Franklin, TN Mayor Ken Moore @mayorkenmoore

What We Heard

Meeting challenges is about planning ahead.
Listening matters…listening to God’s call and to the people around us.
Don’t let choices and decisions become too heavy. The challenges we face are never the end of the world.
Having people trust you is a big responsibility. So is being someone who trusts others.

What It Means

No one plans to fail or step across the line. However, many men don’t plan “not” to cross the line either. Half of how we meet challenges and make wise choices comes from planning ahead. And when challenges come, listening to God matters. You won’t hear HIM clearly in the crisis of conscience if you are not also actively listening to HIM in smooth waters as well. On the spectrum of integrity, grace and forgiveness exist on each side. But so do results and consequences.

What We Do Next

Actively PLAN to be a man of integrity.
Set guardrails to keep your ways right and motives pure.
Don’t wait until the temptation arises to sidestep your integrity.
Remember that it’s God who you work for and not for man. [Colossians 3:23]
Establish a trusted support system. Don’t sidestep relationships and cover up problems. We need others in life.

MLN Resource Recommendation

What’s Best Next by Matt Perman [Book link:]
Former Senior Director of Strategy for Desiring God Ministries, Matt Permon combines theological issues with time management principles in a book that will transform the way and the why we get things done. Integrity in the work place starts with knowing who you work for. For believers anchored in an understanding of God’s purpose and plan, productivity is defined by Him. Ultimately, He is what matters most. Everything we take on each day takes on greater significance when you know you are working for God and not man.

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