What We Heard
Jason Crockarell reminded us this morning that no matter what your career, how big your business gets or what opportunities lie ahead, that true success is measured by serving others and having a willingness to take steps of faith. Jason, the founder of Flavor Catering, one of the premier catering companies in Nashville, looks back at his life and sees that God was always a writing a plan, even when he may not have not seen it. Whether it was God providing a kitchen or divinely orchestrating his relationships so that the people he needed always showed up exactly when he needed them to, Jason is a testament of what it means to live a life of trust and dependency on God first, knowing that everything else will always work out. What It Means: In his business, Jason has unashamedly lived out his faith and sought to share the hope He has in Christ to his employees, clients and the community. In addition, Jason reminded us that family should never take a back seat to our career advancement and even if it means making an unpopular or unorthodox decision to not advance in your career the way you think you should, because the needs of your family are more important, God will continue to give you fulfillment in all He was called you to.
What We Do Next
Our prayer is that each of us would strive to use our resources, time, talents and abilities for a purpose greater than our self and Jason has adopted this principle whole-heartedly. Jason has a global perspective, and if it means providing his building for the church to launch Thrive or hosting a weekly MLN satellite location, he is always willing and glad to serve. Thank you Jason for the reminder about what is really important and thank you for your obedience! You are a making a huge difference and we are all stronger leaders because of your story and influence!
ChristianChristian mancreating a christ-centered cultureflavor cateringjason crockarellleaderleadershipmenmen's leadership network
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