Tips on Dating Your Wife | Tressa Gibbs

Couple on a dock

The Importance Of Loving Well

What We Heard

 The daily monotony of life can get in the way of investing in your marriage, but the truth is, every relationship deserves time and dating your wife shouldn’t end after your wedding day, or be limited to anniversaries and Valentine’s Day.

What It Means

 Make every moment matter. Showing your spouse you care doesn’t always mean making the most romantic grand gesture. Simply taking time out of your day to think about what she would enjoy and making an effort to make that happen will have a lasting impact on your relationship. Whether it’s cleaning out her car or picking up her favorite flavor of ice cream on your way home, you can show her you are thinking of her and invested in your relationship with the intentional “little things” in life. 

What We Do Next

Consider your wife’s love language. When does she feel special and what makes her feel loved? Is it words of affirmation, physical touch, quality time, acts of service or giving gifts? Once you understand how she receives love, you will better understand how to show her you care. 

Choose to be present in the moments you make for your spouse. Put the phone away, turn off the TV and make time to learn about her and invest in your marriage together. Life is layered and true emotional intimacy comes when we share all the layers of life together.

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