What We Heard & What It Means:
Alex, like any of us, is a man with a past and a story: tragic occurrences, painful addiction, and even a childhood diagnosis. All this could have drawn Alex far from God, but through it all there was a sense that God was always in pursuit. Like many men, Alex needs to see things and figure things out for himself in his own time. Ultimately, what we heard was the story of a man who, by God’s power, overcame a great deal, and surrendered himself to Christ. Now, he leads his family, studies God’s word, makes church a priority, helps inmates with recovery and serves his community.
Alex is a man who is not afraid to share his story, even bear the parts that are difficult and shameful. It’s a chance to give God the glory and illustrate His power to save and redeem things that seem beyond hope. God continually pursued Alex through relationships with His people. God provided mentors, pastors, and even a persistent neighbor [MLN guest Peter Goodwin] to point Alex to salvation and ultimately his surrender. It was Peter that eventually helped Alex connect back to church and even follow through with believer’s baptism, a step of faith that had eluded Alex for years.
What we Do Next:
Many times, MLN leans toward leadership lessons we can implement at home and in the workplace. These are certainly present here. However, this one leans towards a lifestyle of evangelism, sharing Christ with others. Alex’s story is a reminder that there are people everywhere who need us to faithfully, persistently, share Christ and invite to church, starting right next door. This should be a motivator for us to readily and willingly share Jesus without fear. Alex’s story also reminds us that there is always hope, and that it is a process. If any of us are starting 2018 in a place of pain, fear, or difficulty, Christ is the answer.
MLN Connections:
To kick off the year, here are some resources provided by Rolling Hills Community Church that we would love to make available.
Counseling Services
Salvation & Baptism Next Steps of Faith
Discipleship & Spiritual Growth
Financial Peace & Freedom
Marriage Support & Family Equipping
If you would like to pursue any of these options or if you need help with anything else please reach out and connect with Nic Allen, Discipleship Pastor.