What We Heard:
Eric’s journey in life was full of a few more downs than ups. Although an absent father certainly left a hole in his family, Eric was blessed with a mom who knew Jesus and pointed him to salvation. She wasn’t without her own struggles, yet she wanted to ensure that he had a faith foundation. Trusting God’s redeeming work on the cross as payment for sin became a reality for him at an early age, but the idea of following Jesus and claiming Christ’s Lordship came much later. Without the presence of a dad, God brought other men into his life to mentor, invest and develop him into the man and Christ-follower that he is today.
Feeling called in college to pursue seminary and local church ministry, Eric’s heart was moved in multiple directions, but men’s ministry remained a constant. There are things that men’s groups can do and say that simply aren’t a part of other ministerial settings. There are things that men want and need from both Bible study and ministry that are delivered best in the context of a men’s ministry group. Leveraging sports and other interests of men for ministry has played an important part of his career in the church.
What It Means:
Eric defines spiritual leadership as, “doing everything we can to love according to the Word of God, and being transformed by Christ, in such a way that it spills out of our life and influences those around us.” The daily challenges men face through battling our own doubts, fears and temptations at work, in the community, in the context of family, are ultimately spiritual battles which require spiritual leadership.
God can use men in any context He has them as “change-agents” for His glory in their families, companies, communities, and throughout the world. For Eric, ministry begins at home through pastoring and shepherding his own family. As an example, you can think of spiritual growth like the Dow: over the course of a week or a month, the fluctuations can be intense, but we gauge it over the long haul by asking if it is leaning up and to the right. That’s the goal.
What We Do Next:
Super practical: Got kids? Pray for a godly future spouse. That was an emotional high for Eric to share. God answered a 20-year prayer request in his life by providing a God-honoring daughter-in-law for his oldest son.
Beyond that, God’s greatest commands are to love Him and love people. Lean hard into what it means to love the people around you. If that’s a friendship hat, wear it out. Pray for the people around you and find ways to use whatever leadership you have in those relationships. Whether it’s through leadership or coaching, balance the relational and vocational side of those encounters while also find ways to lead people to Jesus.
In whatever you do, let people know Who to praise. Matthew 5:16 reads,
“In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.”
In all the good we do, let people know that it’s for, by and through God’s power. Let Him have all the credit.
2 Spiritual Leadership Takeaways:
- Be a man of the Word and a man of prayer. You can’t be a spiritual or godly leader without a connection to God.
- Grow up. Be tough. Speak up. Lead out. Don’t let fear hamstring your spiritual leadership. Part of spiritual leadership is showing up and stepping up. Don’t worry about being perfect, you never will be; just be ready and willing.
MLN Resources:
Kingdom Man: Every Man’s Destiny, Every Woman’s Dream by Tony Evans. In this book, men will be challenged to fully understand their position under God as well as their position over what God has given them. Equipped with these concepts, they can actively pursue ways to maximize and develop the character qualities of biblical manhood in their lives. Learn more.