For today’s interview, we’ve brought in Jacob Scrimpshire, the Discipleship Pastor, and Chase Baker, the Family Pastor, from Rolling Hills to hear their thoughts on Easter and understanding the magnitude of this event.
Well, we can start with recognizing what this event, this holiday, really means. Jesus, the perfect, sinless Son of God, died a sinner’s death on a cross. On Easter, we celebrate that this very same Jesus rose from the dead – all so that we, His children, could be cleansed once and for all for our sins. So, that means, if you really believe Jesus is who He says He is, your perspective should be changed. No longer is Easter about the bunny or the eggs, it’s about the forgiveness we received, the grace of our kind Father, and the magnitude of our sins. Though the Easter bunny and egg hunts are not wrong or bad, we simply must – as men, as parents, as husbands, as leaders – bring the focus back to the empty tomb… back to Jesus. Always.
Ultimately, the Easter story is the greatest story ever told. And, if we believe that to be true, why would we not want our kids, our families, and our coworkers to know this story more than any other story? Jacob and Chase share with us about what it means to tell the Easter story, both to yourself and to others. First, read the story yourself! Read it for the first time, or be reminded of it, and read what Jesus went through for you. Read of the hope of this story. Then, share the story with others. Talk about the story throughout this season, and use it as a means of inviting someone to an Easter service or event with you.
In today’s podcast, Jacob and Chase also share several practical tips on how you can make Easter traditions with your kids, how you can pray during this season, and how you can prioritize what matters most. Men, this podcast is one that will both equip you with the tools you need, as well as encourage you with a reminder of why Easter can truly change your life – and how Jesus, in one act, changed humanity for the rest of time. Listen today.
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