Today’s episode features an insightful conversation with our Rolling Hills Men’s and Sports Director, Jason Hitchings. Jason is a full-time attorney with a part-time ministry role and is a husband and father of two. Ministering to men is important, and you can ask some women to find out why: a large proportion of prayer requests at most churches are of wives asking for their husbands to be saved. Jason knows the challenges of men’s ministry well, and he’s taken them on with passion. Today, he shares what he’s learned in his role, including important advice to help resolve the spiritual struggles men face.
To begin, Jason shares the story of his upbringing and how he came to faith and eventually caught fire for the Lord. At the center of this faith journey is the story of a miraculous conversation with a stranger at church. Jason then unpacks the feeling that many men have about their personal faith journey because they don’t have a dramatic story of salvation, and how and why men should change how they see their path to the Lord.
Later, Jeff and Jason talk about the act of rationalization, and how men allow themselves to use it to justify sin and spiritual complacency in their lives. As a lawyer, Jason assures us he can rationalize a lot of things, but he would agree that not everything we can do is something we should do. Excuses are cheap, but acting upon the wisdom of the Bible is worth so much to our families and our relationship with God. Jason explains how there’s no better way to keep yourself accountable to biblical living than spending life in community.
The pair also discuss the importance of prioritizing time. Do you know how many times Scripture shows us that spiritual leaders of the Bible got up early in the morning? The first step of your day sets the tone. There are tempting reports to check in the morning: work emails, national news, sports scores. But, how could our lives be different if we spent those first few minutes centered on what Jesus has to say?
And of course, for sports fans, Jason tells of the lessons he’s learned from coaching children at baseball, including what he means by the phrase, Look like a ballplayer! If teams and camaraderie are important for kids, what reason do we have to believe they’re not important for grown men, too? We hope you’ll find half an hour to listen to this month’s podcast, and that you’ll consider getting plugged into a men’s group through Rolling Hills if you haven’t already.
ChristianChristian manfamilyleadermenmen's leadership networkspiritual leader