Today’s episode features a wonderful conversation with Mike Minter, founder of Reston Bible Church and Associate Teaching Pastor at Rolling Hills. Mike founded RBC in 1975, and it has grown into a congregation of 2,300 people today. He is married to his wife Kay, and they have four children.
Mike has worked hands-on with men for many years, and he is really passionate about helping them grow in their wisdom. Wisdom is not something that comes naturally, but rather over tons of years and through a plethora of experiences. After starting his church 47 years ago, Mike had a goal of helping men grow wisdom by being Godly leaders in Church and with their families and friends.
To start, Mike shares his captivating testimony where he accepts Jesus as his Lord and Savior overseas. Mike is so grateful to the man who shared Christ with him, and he has been able to do the same for others now for many decades. When planting Reston Bible Church in Virginia, Mike was able to preach and lead the congregation with wisdom. He gives the credit of his wisdom to the trials and many situations he found himself in along his lifetime of ministry.
Next, Mike speaks about what he has learned about men: He talks about living in community and how being surrounded by others helps bring wisdom. If one person is facing a problem alone, it is nowhere near the same brainpower as a group. So, find your wisdom group! You can use each other to be wise together. Mike also talks about his community group and how they help speak into decisions he has to make, and how they make them wisely.
Later, Mike talks about the difference between wisdom and knowledge. He talks about the technological revolution and how we have gained in our knowledge, but how we have not gained in our wisdom. Wisdom is the “correct application of the knowledge we have gained.” Mike has plenty of brilliant one-liners in this section, so make sure to tune in!
Pastor Jeff and Mike also discuss how men can be Godly leaders in today’s society. Leadership in our homes, at work, and in everyday life is of the upmost importance. He follows with two practical takeaways and shares how he wants his legacy to be one of uniting the church. Men are called to lead and leave a legacy that is God-centered. Growing in wisdom is one way to do so!
We hope you take the 30 minutes to listen to this month’s podcast! It’s a great one with so many powerful messages that we hope will encourage you to seek wisdom and grow your leadership abilities and wisdom in community!
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