Today’s episode features an awesome conversation with actor Jesse Hutch! Jesse has been in a ton of movies and television shows and he’s an awesome man of God. He is super passionate about his faith, and he loves sharing Jesus with everyone he comes across.
Often, Jesse works on set with the lost, and he feels like God uses him to reach people in Hollywood and beyond through the screen. While he may act as characters on TV, Jesse doesn’t want his faith to be an act. He wants to be authentic and live his life just as God called him to.
To start off the podcast, Jesse tells the audience about his family’s transition from Canada to the United States. The Hutch family found Franklin in an obscure way that was a complete work of God, as Jesse puts it. God made it very clear to Jesse and his wife that Franklin was the place to move their family. It became clear through a 3-month trek starting in the pacific northwest in Vancouver, Canada down to Florida. Wow!
Next, Jesse shares his testimony and how he came to know Christ. He accepted Jesus at a very young age, but felt an overwhelming, obvious peace come over him at that time. Jesse’s younger years of following Christ really impacted his actions growing up in Canada. Being a Christian has helped Jesse keep lifelong sobriety, work through the divorce of his parents at age 11, and allowed him to live in a respectable and responsible way that many of his Canadian friends didn’t.
In the episode, Jesse also walks the audience through his career and all the doors God opened in Hollywood. Before he was an actor, Jesse was a professional white water raft guide. Talk about a man of many talents! During this time, Jesse heard an advertisement for 20th Century Fox on the radio, and his life has never been the same. It’s a crazy story that you won’t want to miss!
Pastor Jeff and Jesse then discuss being a light in the dark world of Hollywood. Jesse, when on set, shares Christ with his co-workers and explains the difficulty that comes with that. As Jesse puts it, “there’s a camera operator that might be dealing with a divorce,” and the people you work with need Jesus! Jesse can also be impactful through the screen to families and people he doesn’t even know. Because of this, he wants to share Jesus to his fans too! Jesse explains how this reality came to life for him through a powerful story about acting as a Navy Seal with PTSD and how this helped one family at a meet and greet.
Jesse is such an awesome man of God and we hope you take a few minutes to listen to this month’s podcast! It’s an awesome episode about following God along this journey we call life. Give it a listen!
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