Peter Goodwin, founder of Groove Life Rings, is no stranger to the outdoors. Born in Alaska, Peter experienced outdoor adventure that every man dreams of. After a season of school at Auburn University, at age 19, he moved to Alaska full-time and shortly after became a bush guide and bush pilot.
Through his experience as a bush guide, God was refining and redefining his life. Often his experiences lead him to some dangerous and uncertain situations deep in the Alaskan bush. These experiences shaped the way he currently lives his life and leads his family. When you are in the bush, he said, “you truly come to the reality that you are not in control.” God made it clear to Peter that ultimately he was not in control. At that point his purpose behind his career changed. Peter began to use being a bush guide as a way to point people to Christ. God took Peter and changed his purpose for outdoor adventure to lead people to an understanding of God’s purpose for their life.
Before Peter came to a greater understanding of his faith. He would be looking for identity in what he did, but God continued to shift his thoughts to pursue and identity in Christ alone. This shaped not only his career, but would eventually have a direct impact on his marriage and children. He went on to say that when you pursue Christ and making decisions in light of who he is, then our marriage becomes less about our wife following us. Instead, they are following Christ through us. This concept is the same when we lead our kids.
Peter spoke about two things that are challenges for men: fear and complacency. Fear often times keep us from chasing after the things that God has for us. Fear of failure. Fear of regret. Fear of uncertainty. And complacency stops us from pursing God’s best for our lives.
When we choose to submit to the leadership of Christ, fear and complacency have no place. “Surrender” is a key word when it comes to our faith. When we surrender we acknowledge that the only thing we can control is our relationship with Christ, he controls the rest.