“Scott Lehman is a guy God is using.”
Marrying my love and devotion to Jesus with my passion for sports, particularly golf, into a ministry called “In His Grip.” Using invitational golf tournaments and training, “In His Grip” equips churches to reach men in the community with the gospel message of Jesus Christ. Statistically, reaching kids and women first will only get you so far. Reaching husbands and fathers first yields a 93% return rate in reaching the entire family. Targeting men with the saving truth of Jesus Christ dying in our place to offer us forgiveness and purpose in life is transformative for them as well as the families they lead and the spheres of influence they are engaged.
My own dad left me a powerful legacy of hope-filled encouragement. Hearing words like, “Son, I forgive you,” after a window-breaking childhood mishap powerfully resonate with me to this day. “In life, you will hit bad shots, but never stop swinging.” Any golfer man can connect to this metaphor of never giving up as we navigate life.
Men, we’re called to set the spiritual thermostat of faith in our homes. If our overall temperature is cold or luke-warm at best, that will be our family’s too. If we want families on fire for the gospel of Jesus, we have to burn hot for Christ.