100 Layers of Leadership | Isaac Meek

Someone Kneading Dough

I have never met a doughnut I didn’t like and the tasty creations of Five Daughters Bakery are no exception. In fact, if you are reading this and were not at one of the physical sites this morning for MLN, we enjoyed a doughnut in your honor.

Isaac Meek, the founder of Five Daughters Bakery, motivated each of us today as he spoke about his business and transition from the corporate world into starting a bakery. But more than the story of fast growth and creating awesome products, we all walked away with a better understanding of what it really means to succeed. Success is not measured in just revenue or expansion but in the way you treat people, love your employees and the increase in your dependency and faith in God as you step out to do new ventures.

All throughout Isaac’s life he has seen the fingerprints of God, from meeting his wife to starting a bakery. In fact, Isaac said, the more he and his family simply rested in God, the more things started working out and with each junction they just kept taking the next step. For each of us men, regardless of our career or level of leadership, may those words of wisdom guide us as we seek to be who God has created us to be. Just take the next step that is in front of you!

As we grow in our leadership and responsibility it can be very easy to get distracted or to get our priorities off. God first, family second and everything else third, out of order. But as Isaac reminded us, any growing thing needs to be watered. The more we are able to water our growth in the right way, which he referred to as staying close to our source of life, God, through prayer, devotion, and worship, then the more we realize, we are not in charge.

Everything God has given us is for a unique purpose he has created us for. Whether our giftedness is in business, music, leadership or baking, lets strive to step out humbly and give God complete control of all of our lives and watch Him do what only He can do.

Now, can someone pass me another doughnut….

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