Former NHL player, Mike Fisher, joins Jeff to talk about how his life has looked different since the last time he was on our Men’s Leadership Network four years ago. As the former captain of the Nashville Predators, Mike Fisher learned what it meant to lead others who were looking up to him, whether that was on or off the ice. When facing adversity, Mike emphasizes just how important it was to be a leader and keep your faith in God strong even when tough situations come your way.
After re-committing his life to Christ when he was 23 years old, Mike began to live for the Lord, and he touches on how difficult it was at times to stay true to his faith in the midst of being in a professional sports team environment. It was through the help of some older, wiser Christian men that he was able to learn how to speak out about his faith while also knowing that he wouldn’t be able to do everything perfectly.
Your story matters, and it’s important to share about what God has done in your life. You may never know who will be able to resonate with your story, and Mike discusses how he saw, firsthand, that telling your story can make a strong impact in the lives of those who hear it.
Now being married for over 10 years, Mike also highlights how God has worked in his marriage, especially in him learning what it looks like to love your wife like Christ loves the church. Sometimes, Mike emphasizes, the best thing you can do for your marriage is lower your expectations and increase the amount of grace that you show to your spouse. Being a dad is another area of life where leadership is necessary. As a father of two boys, Mike has had to learn, at times, that our children have some lessons to teach us. Along with that, we, as dads, need to be pointing our children to Jesus, not just through discipline but in all areas of life.
The insight that Mike shares in this interview can apply to men in any walk of life, and he has gleaned much wisdom about leadership through his life experiences. After listening to Mike’s interview, we have some next steps to challenge you on how to be a leader in your circle of influence.
Next Steps:
- Who in your life can you share your story with? If someone doesn’t immediately come to mind, how can you be praying that God can open the door to a conversation where you can share what God has done in your life?
- Do you really view leadership as a means of serving others? In what ways can you change your leadership habits to make leading others more about them than you?
- What are some daily actions steps that you can take to show your children their need for God?
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