In this month’s episode, Pastor Jeff sits down with three amazing women from our staff: Women’s Director Miranda Kokes, Digital Engagement Director Chloe Haddad, and Kathy Koon, our awesome Staff Counselor. With Valentine’s Day coming up, the ladies share with us “what women want” in a man.
Each of these women have different years of marriage experience, and there is something to be gained from all three. Make sure to listen to this month’s episode to find out how to best serve your spouse or loved ones!
To start us off, Pastor Jeff asks a timely question: “What do women really want from their husbands this Valentine’s Day?” The ladies were clear: intentionality. While gifts are nice, (and something that’s always a bonus) the ladies want to see some effort put in on the man’s side. Did you put together your gift last minute? Is it something thoughtful? Does it align with their love language? These are all great questions that need to be asked! Don’t fret if you haven’t done anything yet! There’s still time.
Next, Chloe takes the reins on Pastor Jeff’s question on dating in the modern era. Since Chloe’s been married a little over a month now, she provides some great insight into the dating world. It wasn’t too long ago that she was in this phase of life, so she shares what her now husband, Jacob, did right during the dating season.
One recurring theme I noticed during the episode was how the ladies viewed themselves in their relationships with God and with their spouses. It was made clear that a man chasing after God first and them second was the way to a successful marriage. A man that leads the home spiritually is super important, and the first step to leading the home is the man’s personal relationship with God. If that relationship isn’t right, the marriage relationship won’t be either!
In addition to all the other wisdom they provided, the ladies speak on love languages and share how important it is that a man learn those for their spouse. To best love and serve your spouse, treating them in their own way goes really far. It was awesome hearing the ladies talk about this considering we just got out of our love language series over the Christmas season!
This was such an awesome podcast with a lot of insight into how to better serve your spouse and show God through your relationships. Take 30 minutes and listen to this month’s podcast on “what women want!”
ChristianChristian mancouplesdatingfamilyfatherleaderleadershiplovemarriagemenmen's leadership networkmlnspiritual leadervalentine's daywhat women wantwomen
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